Learning What A Pearl Is

10 Oct

A pearl is a hard object, which has a lustrous spherical in shape and is formed in the soft tissues of a mollusk which is shelled. It is rich in calcium Carbonate which is minute crystal forms. Not all are spherical some are of other shapes. There are either natural or cultured pearls. Natural pearls are formed accidentally in a bivalve mollusk. Cultured pearls occur through tissue transplant to the gonads or mantle of a donor shell. Due to their fine quality, they are associated with beauty.

A Tahitian pearl, which is sometimes called the black Tahitian pearl, is an example of a cultured pearl. This is among the few rare pearl. This is because the white oyster does not frequently produce naturally a black pearl and the black oyster doesn’t produce any natural pearl at all. Due to this they are highly valuable.

While they are being cultured, an oyster can only be nucleated with one pearl at a time. Culturing occurs in the gonad of the black lipped Pinctada magaritifera Mollusk which is found in the French Polynesian Islands, Gambier Islands and Micronesian Islands.

Tahiti is the commercial town where all the industries working with the Tahitian pearl are located. Places like Australia produce black pearls but they cannot be called Tahitian. The oysters produce large pearls and are over a foot in diameter.

Tahitian Pearls

The Tahiti pearls are much larger than the average pearl. It weighs from around 10 pounds and is sometimes up to 12 inches long. Their dark color makes them unique. The “black” Tahitian pearl is not necessarily black as its name suggests. It ranges from metallic silver to the color of graphite. The magnitude color is green. Its color black, which is natural, originates from the lips of the black-lipped Oysters.

It is among the most beautiful pearls in the world. The inner side of the black-lipped oysters is also attractive. Due to this, the oyster is almost being hunted to extinction.

The Tahitian pearls are used in the manufacture of very expensive jewelries. It is manufactured to form bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces.

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